Three Faiths, One Lesson
The Book of Tens
A Jewish Bestiary
Religion Notes
The Golem
Illustrating a History of Inhumanity
The Moon is Matzoh (Studio Visit)
Jewish Magic
Yeshiva University Museum
Zodiac Signs Revived as Mosaics
Mostly, nay, Entirely Mozart
Collaging Whimsy Into Ancient Judaic Rites and Customs
Poem for a Tortured Rabbi
The Mourning Prayer
Podwal in Prague
Mythic Beasts and the Festival of Light
An Art of Vision and Faith
Broadcast Haggadah Interview
Online Extended Haggadah Interview
Yom HaShoah
Passover Seder: Why Is This Book Different from All Other Books?
Dionysus and the Schlemiel
Mark Podwal’s Tikkun Olam
Master of the True Line by Cynthia Ozick
The Loew Life
Unorthodox Podcast
Angels in Judaica
Where Kabbalah and Mad Magazine Meet Mark Podwal is the product
Past Meets Present: Filming Jewish Life in Prague
Art That Is at Once Lush and Spare
In a Jewish Bestiary, lions, leviathans and bears — oh my!
Mark Podwal’s Mozart and Prague in NYC
Treating Sacred Texts as Art Objects at Museum of Biblical Art
How a Dermatologist Became an Artist
An Exhibit That Couldn't Be More Timely
Why’s a microwave baking matzo? And why does that 400-year-old menorah have a lightbulb?
A Conversation with Artist Mark Podwal
Life Among The Dead
Tu Bishvat painting celebrates JNF turning Israel green
Reimagined: 45 Years of Jewish Art
The Art of Mark Podwal
What Does it Take to Illustrate Elie Wiesel’s Books?
Illumination: A Conversation with Mark Podwal
Art traces history of anti-Semitism
An artful book for Passover
Mark Podwal's Visual Midrash
Artist's drawing of a herring on a bialy gains an audience in Bialystok and Hollywood
The Visual Jewishness of Mark Podwal
The Menorah Story
Old and New: Podwal's Altneuschul Paroches
The Art Of Jewish Medicine
The Frog, The Demons, and the Jewish Star
Podwal’s Books
Podwal's Lamentations
Sanctuary: Lincoln Square Synagogue and Mark Podwal’s Terezin Suite
What’s New with Prague’s Old-New Synagogue, And Old Jewish Cemetery?
Contemporary Book Art and Hebrew Texts
Built by Angels: The Story of The Old-New Synagogue
The Tale of Niggun
Jerusalem Sky
The Demons' Mistake: A Story from Chelm
Collectors find a home for their treasures at FIU
Artist re-imagines Jewish art
Why there are stories in this world
As to Two Jewish Spaces
Golem Variations
The Artist Will See You Now
Mark Podwal
To Všechno Nás Postihlo...
Zasvèceno Hospodinu
Vzpomínk Na Elieho
Dar Pro Staronovou
Svou Synagogu Mám V Praze
Zlé Sny Aÿ Jsou Dobré
Revista Maaravi, editada na Fale, abre chamada para dossiê sobre os bestiários
Bestiario Ebraico
Jüdisches Bestiarium
Terezin Wystawa „Kadisz dla Dąbrowy Białostockiej”
Mark Podwal nechal nahlédnout do dějin antisemitismu – od moru po holocaust
Mural commemorating the Jews was painted on the school building in Dąbrowa Białostocka